access control webhooks
admission control webhook 559
authentication webhook 555, 556
authorization webhook 557-559
using 555
webhook admission controller, configuring 560, 561
ACK (Alibaba Container service for Kubernetes) 60
adapter pattern 11
Admiralty 391
architecture 392
features 392
reference link 392
advanced scheduling 157, 158
advanced storage features 229
CSI volume cloning 230
storage capacity tracking 231
volume health monitoring 231
volume snapshots 229, 230
advancing science
with Hue 182
AI-based systems
running, on Kubernetes 670
AI models
training, on Kubernetes 670
AIOps 671
AKS Arc 64
alerting 448
Alertmanager 464
Amazon Web Services (AWS) 57, 185, 613
ambassador pattern 10
annotation 7
API deprecation 267
API objects
serializing, with protocol buffers 92
API server
caching reads 90
API server, accessing 108