Further reading
There are many different papers that are referenced in this chapter, but the most important is the Real-Time Volumetric Rendering paper for general GPU-based volumetric rendering: https://patapom.com/topics/Revision2013/Revision%202013%20-%20Real-time%20Volumetric%20Rendering%20Course%20Notes.pdf.
The algorithm is still a derivation of the seminal paper from Bart Wronski: https://bartwronski.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/bwronski_volumetric_fog_siggraph2014.pdf.
With some evolutions and mathematical improvements in the following link: https://www.ea.com/frostbite/news/physically-based-unified-volumetric-rendering-in-frostbite.
For the depth distribution, we referenced the formula used in iD Tech 6: https://advances.realtimerendering.com/s2016/Siggraph2016_idTech6.pdf.
For banding and noise, the most comprehensive papers come from Playdead:
For information on animated...