- Where is Microsoft Defender for Cloud able to store data?
A. Azure Storage
B. Azure SQL Database
C. Log Analytics Workspace
- Information about how to improve your resources' security posture is provided as?
A. Recommendations
B. Alerts
C. Issues
D. Fixes
- How can you automate responses to Defender for Cloud alerts?
A. Azure Monitor alerts
B. Logic apps
C. PowerShell
D. Azure CLI
- When JIT VM Access is enabled on a machine, the user…?
A. Has the same level of access rights
B. Has fewer access rights
C. Has more access rights
D. Has to request access
E. Both A and C
- With enhanced security plans enabled, what happens when an attack occurs?
A. It will be automatically blocked.
B. The user can create an automated response to an attack.
C. A security alert is automatically created.
D. Both B and C.
- What are the main capabilities in Defender for Cloud...