inxi, troubleshooting, and mhwd
inxi is a system analysis Terminal tool that provides precise information on a system’s CPU, RAM, disk space, network settings, HW and peripherals, installed SW, and more. Despite its broad capabilities, it is lightweight, and many Linux distributions include it by default. For the SW part, it can report information on the OS, kernel, some installed packages, and SW repositories. SW version numbers, dependencies, and installation locations may also be shown.
The complete list of topics inxi
reports is as follows: System, Machine, Memory, PCI, Slots, CPU, Graphics, Audio, Network, Bluetooth, Logical, RAID, Drives, Partition (HDD and other drives), Swap, Unmounted (partitions), USB, Sensors, Repos (for repositories), Processes, and Info. We will explore the frequently used options, but to know them all, it is best to export the man page in HTML format with $ man --html=firefox inxi
and search in it according to your needs.
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