Signing up for programs, file downloading, command-lining your way all over the place, and patiently waiting for the Android emulator to launch, means that it could take the best part of a day to work through what we've covered in this chapter! Fortunately, you only have to go through it once.
We did work through the tasks that you have to do before you can create a mobile app in LiveCode:
Download and install the Android SDK
Sign up as an iOS developer
Download and install Xcode and the iOS SDKs
Configure devices and simulators
We also covered some topics that will be useful once you are ready to upload a finished app:
Signing up for Android Market
Signing up for Amazon Appstore
There will be more mundane things to cover near the end of the book, but not for a while! Next up, we will start to play with some of the special abilities of mobile devices.