Once a kernel module has been installed on a system (via sudo make install, as shown previously), you can also insert it into the kernel interactively (or via a script) simply by using a "smarter" version of the insmod(8) utility, called modprobe(8). For our example, we could first rmmod(8) the module and then do the following:
sudo modprobe min_sysinfo
As an interesting aside, consider the following. In cases where there are several kernel module objects to load (for example, the module stacking design), how does modprobe know the order in which to load up kernel modules? When performing a build locally, the build process generates a file called modules.order. It tells utilities such as modprobe the order in which to load up kernel modules such that all dependencies are resolved. When kernel modules are installed into the kernel (that is, into the /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/, or similar, location...