Cinematic techniques
The camera is the main tool that's used to create effects for cinematics. You can achieve various cinematic effects by adjusting the camera functions and finding/moving the camera to a good spot to capture a significant key object(s) of interest. This section will provide some technical terms that you can use to describe to your coworker/contractor how a particular cinematic sequence should be recorded.
Adjusted camera functions
Here are some commonly used functions that you can adjust on a camera to capture a scene.
Zooming in on an object gives you a closer view on the object; providing more details about it. Zooming out takes your view further away from the object; it provides a perspective for the object with regard to its surroundings.
Zooming is achieved by adjusting the focal length of the camera lens; the camera itself stays in the same position.
Field of view
Field of view (FOV) is the area that is visible from a particular position and orientation in space....