- accelerometer
- building, with I2C devices / Building with an I2C device – Accelerometer
- wiring up / Wiring up our accelerometer
- example, coding / Coding up our example
- Adafruit
- URL / What we'll be using in this book
- analog input pins
- working / How analog input pins work
- animation
- need for / Why animation?
- Animation API
- about / What is the Animation API?
- need for / Why do we need an Animation API?
- animation / Why animation?
- observing / Looking at the Animation API
- terminology / Learning the terminology
- target / Learning the terminology
- segment / Learning the terminology
- keyframe / Learning the terminology
- cue points / Learning the terminology
- duration / Learning the terminology
- and .to() method, differentiating between / The difference between .to() and the Animation API
- ServoArray object / Using the ServoArray object
- three servos, wiring / Project – wiring up three servos and creating an array
- array, creating / Project ...