Using bitmap fonts for better performance
As we've seen before, CCLabelTTF
is very easy to use, but we also must be aware of its drawbacks; the biggest one of which is its poor performance. Fortunately, we have an alternative way of rendering text with the help of bitmap fonts and the CCLabelBMFont
class in Cocos2D.
What are bitmap fonts? Well, since OpenGL can't draw text natively, but it surely can draw images very well, it is obvious that we can use images to represent our text. We can simply create an image containing all letters, and then when we need to write some text, we just draw each letter in its place on the screen.
To visualize this process, just recall some movie where an evil guy cuts letters from newspapers and magazines to create anonymous threating letters. The only difference is that we have an unlimited number of each letter because nothing is really cut.
Also, as we already know drawing images one by one is a pretty expensive operation, so it would be better to group...