Creating a new Maven project
Apex applications are packaged in a special ZIP file format that contains everything needed for an application to be launched on a cluster (dependency jars, configuration files, and so on). It is roughly comparable to the uber jar approach that some other frameworks employ, with the difference that dependencies in the Apex package remain as individual JAR files, rather than being flattened into a standard JAR.
More information about Apex application packages can be found at
It would be a rather involved task to set up a new Maven project from scratch. The Apex application archetype simplifies the process of creating an application skeleton for the expected artifact structure. Here is an example of the Maven command to create an Apex application archetype:
mvn archetype:generate \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.apex \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=apex-app-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=RELEASE...