We've come to the end of our introduction to data sources and how to create queries for them. As a treat, go to Configuration | Data sources and edit your Prometheus data source configuration. You'll notice a second tab called Dashboards. Under that tab is a set of dashboards curated to work with a Prometheus data source.
If you import the Grafana metrics dashboard, you'll now have a full dashboard with a number of Graph and Singlestat panels. Some of the queries we tried out in this chapter were inspired by those dashboard panels. Open and edit them to get a look at the queries, see how they were constructed, and note the techniques that were used to extract information from the data series for use in the legend.
In fact, one of the best ways to learn a complex application such as Grafana is to simply crack open the dashboard panels from different sources and glean knowledge from the work of others. One of the more pleasant aspects of Grafana...