There you have it! We’ve accomplished a lot in this chapter, probably without even realizing it. Of course, we learned about a new Grafana capability in Grafana Live, and we learned a little bit about streaming data with Telegraf. We also picked up a sampling from the world of message brokering in IoT.
But I also slipped in a couple of other aspects you may not have noticed. We learned about using requirements to drive software development. Our code was cleaner and easier to understand when we adopted object orientation and the principles of delegation and separation of responsibilities. Finally, we also developed our script as a minimum viable product (MVP) by implementing only those aspects deemed important at this stage.
In our next chapter, we’ll look at how to monitor our real-time data for anomalous metrics and how we might not only detect them but also trigger warning alerts. We’ll even learn how to leverage Grafana’s alerting system...