To use our retrained Inception v3 model and MobileNet model in Android's TF Classify app is also pretty straightforward. Follow the steps here to test both retrained models:
- Open the sample TensorFlow Android app, located in tensorflow/examples/android, using Android Studio.
- Drag and drop two retrained models, quantized_stripped_dogs_retrained .pb and dog_retrained_mobilenet10_224.pb as well as the label file, dog_retrained_labels.txt to the assets folder of the android app.
- Open the file, to use the Inception v3 retrained model, and replace the following code:
private static final int INPUT_SIZE = 224; private static final int IMAGE_MEAN = 117; private static final float IMAGE_STD = 1; private static final String INPUT_NAME = "input"; private static final String OUTPUT_NAME = "...