WordPress (WordPress.org) is an open source PHP CMS for general-purpose website development. It is not "headless" by default; it is stacked with a template system. This means the view and the data are intertwined. However, since 2015 (WordPress 4.4), the REST API infrastructure has been integrated into WordPress core for developers, and now all the default endpoints can be accessed if you append /wp-json/ to your website-based URL. You can also extend the WordPress REST API and add your own custom endpoints. So, we can easily use WordPress as a "headless" REST API by ignoring the view. You will find out how to achieve this in the upcoming sections. To speed up the development process, we will install the following WordPress plugins:
- Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) for creating custom meta boxes. For more information about this plugin, please visit https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/
- The ACF Repeater Field for creating a repeatable...