Creating an approval process
So far, we have all the ingredients to build our new approval process and make our company's business users happy. Now, let's see how to create it:
To create a new approval, click Setup | Process Automation | Approval Processes, select the proper Salesforce object on the Manager Approval Processes For: picklist, click the Create New Approval Process button, and select Use Standard Setup Wizard.
The first step of the wizard asks for Process Name (Advertisement Discount Approval), Unique Name (Advertisement_Discount_Approval), and a description.
In this step, we need to enter the entry criteria, which identifies the Advertisement records that should enter the approval process. Select formula evaluates to true in the Use this approval process if the following: picklist and fill in the following criteria:
:AND( Price__c > 0, Discount__c > 0 )
We can use criteria or formula (as we aim to become the best declarative Salesforce programmers...