Now we have all the pieces. Let's look at how to put it all together:
- We first ingest the dataset and then split the data out into training and cross validation sets. The dataset is split into ten parts for a k-fold cross-validation. We won't do that. Instead, we'll do a single fold cross-validation by holding out 30% of the data for cross-validation:
typ := "bare"
examples, err := ingest(typ)
log.Printf("errs %v", err)
log.Printf("Examples loaded: %d", len(examples))
cvStart := len(examples) - len(examples)/3
cv := examples[cvStart:]
examples = examples[:cvStart]
- We then train the classifier and then check to see whether the classifier can predict its own dataset well:
c := New()
var corrects, totals float64
for _, ex := range examples {
// log.Printf...