React VR will look familiar to HTML; this makes it easy to read, edit, and deploy. Behind the scenes, the UI syntactical glue that React and React VR use will be compiled into JSX or JavaScript eXtension. JSX is a React grammar extension to allow coding in a blend of HTML and JavaScript. You can also code JSX directly.
An example of React JSX is as follows:
const element = <h1>My title!</h1>;
This is not a string, as it's not in quotes, and it's also not JavaScript. It's much more readable and easier to use than coding in JavaScript directly. JSX makes programming faster and more declarative.
It is useful, but all of this readability and easy-to-program nature comes with a few pitfalls. One of them is that semicolons will automatically get entered. Just like with HTML, you can include extra lines, but your code...