Introducing SageMaker Studio and its components
Amazon SageMaker is an ML service from AWS that has features dedicated to each phase of an ML life cycle that we discussed in Chapter 1, Machine Learning and Its Life Cycle in the Cloud. Amazon SageMaker Studio is an ML IDE designed for end-to-end ML development with Amazon SageMaker. You can access Amazon SageMaker features using the SageMaker Studio IDE or using the SageMaker Python SDK, as we will discuss in the Using SageMaker Python SDK section. The following chart provides an overview:
Figure 2.1 – Amazon SageMaker Studio overview – four pillars represent the four stages in the ML life cycle
This chart highlights the SageMaker components that are covered in the book. Let's first walk through at a high level for each component in the ML life cycle stages in this chapter. Then, I will provide pointers to the later chapters.
Amazon SageMaker Studio helps data scientists...