Configuring node label colors in a graph by ranking nodes
Node label colors can also be configured in a similar way to how node colors and sizes can be configured by ranking the nodes of the graph. This recipe will describe this process of configuring node label colors, based on various ranking parameters.
Getting ready
Load the Les Misérables graph in Gephi. Click on the small upward-facing triangle in the bottom-right corner of the Graph panel to expand the bottom panel. In the Labels tab of this panel, check the checkbox next to Node to make the node labels appear on the graph. To make sure that the final visualization is neat and comprehensible, run the Fruchterman Reingold algorithm, followed by the Label Adjust algorithm on this graph.
How to do it…
To configure the node label colors in this graph, follow these steps:
In the Ranking panel, click on the Nodes tab.
Select the button that has a capital A as its icon and a multi-colored circle. This button is located in the upper-right corner...