Other VoC methods
There are a number of other VoC methods that are used, but that are not as effective or as widespread as the preceding examples, although that may be changing in the field of customer or user designs. A brief summary of each follows:
Customer advisory board: This VoC approach has been around for many years and is comprised of your best and most vocal proponents, and sometimes detractors, of your product to advise the firm of what problems they are having and what new products might be needed. This can be mutually beneficial if they are done correctly, allowing the firm to send a key signal to these targeted customers that we value their input, and further allowing the firm to also uncover some new opportunities to satisfy this often demanding set of customers. While this has a long history, it is not found to be especially effective. This may be due to the nature of customer advisory boards, or more likely, due to the way the customer advisory board meetings are structured...