Further reading
We’ve lifted the lid on lots of new functionality that you can add to your app, so there are lots of further reading opportunities for this chapter.
Firstly, it is worth gaining a deeper understanding of the difference between SQL and NoSQL databases. There are many articles on the web, one of which is this offering on Upwork: https://www.upwork.com/resources/nosql-vs-sql.
We explored a lot of the Firebase plugins and I highly recommend that, unless you already have project requirements in place, your starting point for authentication, data storage, and analytics/monitoring is Firebase. Take some time to explore Firebase further because a bit of time invested now could save you a huge amount of time later in your project: https://firebase.google.com/.
An area that is outside the scope of this book but will be crucial to most production-ready apps is the use of server-side functions, known as Cloud Functions for Firebase. It is worth trying to add a Cloud...