When you draw a streamgraph, the data of the different series are put one on top of another, just like for an area chart. Instead of an area chart, though, the bottom of the chart isn't fixed to a single position, but fluctuates, providing a visually appealing way of showing different series:
For our example, we're going to create a streaming variant of this streamgraph. We're going to use a server which pushes random data over a WebSocket to the browser and, based on that data, updates the streamgraph and moves it to the left. The final result we're aiming for is the DVD3/src/chapter-06/D06-03.html example.
When you open this example, and you have the random WebSocket server running (more on that in the next section), you'll see the following streamgraph moving from right to left:
We start again by looking at the server side where we've created a simple...