Setting up an Azure storage account
This recipe will teach you how to set up a storage account in Azure. A storage account is a cheap resource for storing data that will be used by computing resources in Azure. There are two types of storage accounts:
- Azure Blob Storage: This is the basic storage type and can store petabytes of data for around 6 cents (USD $) per gigabyte. There are two types of block blobs: Pages and Blobs. Page blocks are mainly used for virtual machine disks. Blob blocks, on the other hand, are commonly for multi-purpose usage.
- Azure Data Lake Gen2: This storage is very similar to the preceding one except that the security is enhanced for advanced analytics purposes. Azure Data Lake (ADL) Gen2 has a folder hierarchy that does not exist in regular blob storage. This allows the security that's used to be role-based access control (RBAC), which means that we can use the credentials of the current user to authenticate to a specific folder in the storage...