In this chapter, we learned about some critical multiplayer concepts, such as how the server-client architecture works, the responsibilities of the server and the client, how the listen server is quicker to set up than a dedicated server but not as lightweight, ownership and connections, roles, and variable replication.
We also learned about some useful techniques for animation, such as how to use 2D Blend Spaces, which allow you to have a two-axis grid to blend between animations, and the Transform (Modify) Bone
node, which can modify the bones of a skeletal mesh at runtime. To finish off this chapter, we created a first-person multiplayer project where you have characters that can walk, look, and jump around. This will be the foundation of the multiplayer first-person shooter project that we will be working on for the next few chapters.
In the next chapter, we’ll learn how to use RPCs, which allows clients and servers to execute functions on each other. We&...