Moving between sections
Knots allow authors to divide up an ink story into sections they can name. Diverting allows for moving between these knots. In Chapter 1, Text, Flow, Choices, and Weaves, choices were introduced using the asterisk (*
) and the ability to branch a story. Using a divert as the result of a choice allows an author to craft a weave, a set of choices, where each could divert to different knots.
For example, returning to the detective example earlier in the chapter, an updated version with choices where each one diverted to knots for the characters would look like this:
Example 2
The detective considered the suspects in front of her. * Lady Taylor -> lady_taylor * Lord Davies -> lord_davies * Sir Jones -> sir_jones * Lady Turner -> lady_turner == lady_taylor Standing off to the side of the gathered crowd and looking out the window was Lady Taylor. She...