Jenkins Setup
We will start with Jenkins as it's the core component of the continuous integration process. The Jenkins process workflow is shown as follows:
See the Jenkins homepage at:, shown as follows:
Prerequisites to Install Jenkins
Jenkins installation and configuration requirements should be planned well as prescribed on the Jenkins homepage based on the following parameters:
Operating system--Linux versions of Ubuntu/Debian, Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS, openSUSE, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Gentoo, Windows, macOS X
JDK version
Disk space
Java Containers--The Jenkins WAR file can run on any servlet-supported engine such as tomcat or Glassfish application servers.
Jenkins can be installed in different modes as per its utility:
Standalone: Jenkins can run standalone in its own process using its own built-in web server (Jetty) for experimentation and small projects
Servlet-based: It can also run as one servlet framework for development projects
Multi-node setup for staging...