Including videos in your document
Videos can be a nice way to enhance your interactive documents; however, support can vary depending on the output format chosen and the viewer that is being used to read the file.
Content exported via Adobe’s Publish Online or plugins such as In5 will use the native HTML5 video support that has been built into the web browser. As a result, provided that you use a web-compliant video standard such as MP4, the playback will generally be reliable and work well.
However, when it comes to PDFs, the experience can vary, depending on the operating system and a number of other factors. The latest versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader can play back something such as an MP4 video file within a PDF, but you might not have access to things such as playback controls. Additionally, there might even be restrictions on the user’s system that prevent the video from playing.
In this recipe, we will show you how to embed an MP4 file into your document...