- Which letter is used to list the partitions of a hard disk without going into the fdisk utility?
A. fdisk –a /dev/sda
B. fdisk –c /dev/sda
C. fdisk –l /dev/sda
D. fdisk –r /dev/sda
- Which letter is used to create a partition inside the fdisk utility?
A. b
B. c
C. r
D. n
- Which letter is used to toggle a boot flag inside the fdisk utility?
A. b
B. a
C. d
D. c
- Which letter is used to print the known partition types inside the fdisk utility?
A. l
B. r
C. n
D. b
- Which letter is used to create a partition inside the fdisk utility?
A. p
B. n
C. c
D. d
- Which letter is used to write changes inside the fdisk utility?
A. q
B. c
C. d
D. w
- Which command is used to start the parted utility?
A. part -ad
B. parted
C. part -ed
D. part
- Which option is used to display a partition table inside the parted utility?
A. display
B. parted
C. print