- anchorPoint property
- about / The building blocks, nodes
- Android
- Cocos2d app, building for / Installation for Android
- animations
- creating / Animation in code
- move / Moving, scaling, and rotating
- scale / Moving, scaling, and rotating
- rotate / Moving, scaling, and rotating
- actions, chaining together / Chaining actions together
- actions, running simultaneously / Running actions simultaneously
- actions, repeating / Repeating actions
- code, executing on completion of actions / Running code on completion of an animation
- Apple Developer
- URL / Installing Cocos2d
- Apportable
- about / An introduction to Cocos2d
- URL, for downloading / Installation for Android
- installing / Installation for Android
- assets
- reference link / Adding sprites to SpriteBuilder
- assets, water bucket game
- URL, for downloading / Putting it into practice
- buttons
- adding, to scene / Adding buttons to your scene
- states / Adding buttons to your...