Collecting application telemetry
Previously, we looked at how to use the collector running as a local binary. This can be useful for development and testing, but it's not how the collector would be deployed in a production environment. Before going further, here are some Kubernetes concepts that we will be using in this chapter:
- Pod: This is a container or a group of containers that form an application.
- Sidecar: This is a container that is deployed alongside application containers but isn't tightly coupled with the application in the pod.
- Node: This is a representation of a Kubernetes worker; it could be a physical host or a virtual machine.
- DaemonSet: This is a pod template specification to ensure a pod is deployed to the configured nodes.
Important Note
The concepts of Kubernetes form a much deeper topic than we have time for in this book. For our examples, we will only cover the bare minimum that is necessary for this chapter. There is a lot more to cover...