Extra – is all machine learning causally the same?
So far, when we have spoken about machine learning, we mainly mean supervised methods. You might wonder what the relationship is between other types of machine learning and causality.
Causality and reinforcement learning
For many people, the first family of machine learning methods that come to mind when thinking about causality is reinforcement learning (RL).
In the classic formulation of RL, an agent interacts with the environment. This suggests that an RL agent can make interventions in the environment. Intuitively, this possibility moves RL from an associative rung one to an interventional rung two. Bottou et al. (2013) amplify this intuition by proposing that causal models can be reduced to multiarmed bandit problems – in other words, that RL bandit algorithms are special cases of rung two causal models.
Although the idea that all RL is causal might seem intuitive at first, the reality is more nuanced...