Practicing and exploring
Test your knowledge and understanding by answering some questions, get some hands-on practice, and explore with deeper research into the topics covered in this chapter.
Exercise 16.1 – test your knowledge
Answer the following questions:
- How many web apps can you host in Microsoft Azure for free?
- Does Microsoft Azure only support Windows as a host operating system?
- What options does Microsoft Azure offer for data storage?
Exercise 16.2 – practice by extending the quiz web app
How would you improve this quiz app? Here are some suggestions:
- Use Visual Studio's scaffolding feature to allow an administrator to add, edit, and delete quizzes and questions
- Allow more complex types of questions, for example, multiple correct answers to a question
- Create an Ubuntu or Docker virtual machine in Microsoft Azure and deploy the quiz application to that platform
Exercise 16.3 – explore topics
Use the following links to read more about the topics covered in this chapter...