Creating your glossary
The glossary stores all the abbreviations for your data model.
Getting ready
Understand your organizations' standards to shorten names and standard naming conventions for column headers within reports. Gather some samples if they do not exist to determine if you can uncover a pattern, for example, Cust for Customer, Sup for Suppliers, and so on.
How to do it...
By creating a glossary, you can save substantial amounts of time and apply standards consistently as follows:
1. Click on Tools | Glossary Editor:
2. Navigate to your BI_Data_Models directory, and enter a name for the file. Then, click on Open:
3. Enter Name, Description, and begin adding your words by using the + (plus) icon:
4. Apply the glossary to the environment. Click on Tools | Preferences:
5. Click on Naming Standard:
6. Check the Abbreviated Only checkbox for Relational Model, and click on the + (plus) icon to specify the glossary file. Navigate to your directory, and select the glossary.glossary file...