Chapter 5. Haunted House – Modeling of the Scene
Welcome to the scary project!
In this chapter, we will model a haunted house that we will texture and render in the future chapters. You will use the modeling techniques that we have already seen in the previous chapters and learn some new techniques using some useful modifiers and time-saving tools. Moreover, you will learn how to correctly organize your scenes by grouping objects and placing elements in layers. Now that you have more experience with Blender, we aren't going to show you all the steps in detail but rather describe the key points of the process. If you have any difficulties, you can always go back to Chapter 2, Robot Toy – Modeling of an Object, and Chapter 4, Alien Character – Creating a Proper Topology and Transferring the Sculpt Details, in order to review some of the modeling techniques. Let's start our scene! In this chapter, the following topics will be covered:
- Modeling on scale...