Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime
The Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime (IR) is the compute infrastructure that is responsible for executing data flows, pipeline activities, data movement, and SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages. There are three types of IR: Azure, self-hosted, and Azure SSIS.
Azure IR is used to process data flows, data movement, and activities involving cloud-based data sources. By default, a type of Azure IR called AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime is created whenever a new data factory is created. AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime automatically determines the best location to run the IR. In addition to AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime, you can provision additional instances of Azure IR as well. In provisioned Azure IR instances, you may specify the preferred location to run the IR.
A self-hosted IR can be installed on-premises or on a virtual machine that uses the Windows OS and can be used to work with data on-premises or in the cloud. It can...