Implementing the FPGA SoC design and FPGA hardware image generation
As already introduced in Chapter 2, FPGA Devices and SoC Design Tools, of this book, the design implementation takes the design netlist and the user constraints (including the implementation settings) as input and produces the physical design netlist. This physical netlist is then mapped, placed, and routed using the FPGA hardware resources and meeting (when possible) the user constraints. Once the physical netlist is produced, the FPGA image or the bitstream file is generated to configure the FPGA device. The FPGA device PL block can be programmed via JTAG when still in the debugging stages of the design, or by the PS. In the debugging stages of the SoC, the configuration is done through the Xilinx FPGA JTAG interface. The bitstream is then downloaded directly to the FPGA PL block from the host development machine using a JTAG cable, connecting the host machine to the FPGA board.