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Apps and Services with .NET 7

You're reading from  Apps and Services with .NET 7

Product type Book
Published in Nov 2022
Publisher Packt
ISBN-13 9781801813433
Pages 814 pages
Edition 1st Edition
Author (1):
Mark J. Price Mark J. Price
Profile icon Mark J. Price

Table of Contents (23) Chapters close

Preface 1. Introducing Apps and Services with .NET 2. Managing Relational Data Using SQL Server 3. Managing NoSQL Data Using Azure Cosmos DB 4. Benchmarking Performance, Multitasking, and Concurrency 5. Implementing Popular Third-Party Libraries 6. Observing and Modifying Code Execution Dynamically 7. Handling Dates, Times, and Internationalization 8. Protecting Your Data and Applications 9. Building and Securing Web Services Using Minimal APIs 10. Exposing Data via the Web Using OData 11. Combining Data Sources Using GraphQL 12. Building Efficient Microservices Using gRPC 13. Broadcasting Real-Time Communication Using SignalR 14. Building Serverless Nanoservices Using Azure Functions 15. Building Web User Interfaces Using ASP.NET Core 16. Building Web Components Using Blazor WebAssembly 17. Leveraging Open-Source Blazor Component Libraries 18. Building Mobile and Desktop Apps Using .NET MAUI 19. Integrating .NET MAUI Apps with Blazor and Native Platforms 20. Introducing the Survey Project Challenge 21. Epilogue 22. Index

Managing data with Transact-SQL

Transact-SQL (T-SQL) is SQL Server’s dialect of Structured Query Language (SQL). Some pronounce it tee-sequel, others tee-es-queue-el.

Unlike C#, T-SQL is not case-sensitive; for example, you can use int or INT to specify the 32-bit integer data type, and you can use SELECT or select to start a query expression. Text stored in SQL Server can be treated as case-sensitive or not depending on configuration.

The complete reference for T-SQL is found at the following link:

T-SQL data types

T-SQL has data types that are used for columns, variables, parameters, and so on.




bigint, bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, tinyint

Date and time

date, datetime2, datetime, datetimeoffset, smalldatetime, time


char, nchar, ntext, nvarchar, text, varchar


binary, image, varbinary


cursor, hierarchyid, sql_variant, table, rowversion, uniqueidentifier, xml

T-SQL also has support for spatial geometry and geography types.

Documenting with comments

To comment out the rest of a line, use -- which is the equivalent of //.

To comment out a block, use /* and the start and */ at the end, just like in C#.

Declaring variables

Local variable names are prefixed with @ and they are defined using SET, SELECT, or DECLARE, as shown in the following code:

DECLARE @WholeNumber INT; -- Declare a variable and specify its type.
SET @WholeNumber = 3; -- Set the variable to a literal value.
SET @WholeNumber = @WholeNumber + 1; -- Increment the variable.
SELECT @WholeNumber = COUNT(*) FROM Employees; -- Set to the number of employees.
SELECT @WholeNumber = EmployeeId FROM Employees WHERE FirstName = 'Janet';

Global variables are prefixed with @@. For example, @@ROWCOUNT is a context-dependent value that returns the number of rows affected by a statement executed within the current scope, for example, the number of rows updated or deleted.

Specifying data types

Most types have a fixed size. For example, an int uses four bytes, a smallint uses two bytes, and a tinyint uses one byte.

For text and binary types, you can either specify a type prefixed with var or nvar (meaning variable size) that will automatically change its size based on its current value up to a maximum, as shown in the following example: varchar(40); or you can specify a fixed number of characters that will always be allocated, as shown in the following example: char(40).

For text types, the n prefix indicates Unicode, meaning it will use two bytes per character. Text types not prefixed with n use one byte per character.

Controlling flow

T-SQL has similar flow control keywords as C#, for example, BREAK, CONTINUE, GOTO, IF...ELSE, CASE, THROW, TRY...CATCH, WHILE, and RETURN. The main difference is the use of BEGIN and END to indicate the start and end of a block, the equivalent of curly braces in C#.


T-SQL has similar operators as C#, for example, = (assignment), +, -, *, /, %, <, >, <=, ==, !=, &, |, ^, and so on. It has logical operators like AND, OR, NOT, and LINQ-like operators like ANY, ALL, SOME, EXISTS, BETWEEN, and IN.

LIKE is used for text pattern matching. The pattern can use % for any number of characters. The pattern can use _ for a single character. The pattern can use [] to specify a range and set of allowed characters, for example, [0-9A-Z.-,].

If a table or column name contains spaces, then you must surround the name in square brackets like [Order Details]. The SQL scripts to create the Northwind database include the command set quoted_identifier on, so you can also use double-quotes like "Order Details". Single quotes are used for literal text like 'USA'.

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

DML is used to query and change data.

The most common statement in DML is SELECT, which is used to retrieve data from one or more tables. SELECT is extremely complicated because it is so powerful. This book is not about learning T-SQL, so the quickest way to get a feel for SELECT is to see some examples, as shown in the following table:




FROM Employees

Get all columns of all the employees.

SELECT FirstName, LastName

FROM Employees

Get the first and last name columns of all employees.

SELECT emp.FirstName, emp.LastName

FROM Employees AS emp

Give an alias for the table name.

SELECT emp.FirstName, emp.LastName

FROM Employees emp

Give an alias for the table name.

SELECT FirstName, LastName AS Surname

FROM Employees

Give an alias for the column name.

SELECT FirstName, LastName

FROM Employees

WHERE Country = 'USA'

Filter the results to only include employees in the USA.


FROM Employees

Get a list of countries without duplicates.

SELECT UnitPrice * Quantity AS Subtotal

FROM [Order Details]

Calculate a subtotal for each order detail row.


SUM(UnitPrice * Quantity) AS Total

FROM [Order Details]



Calculate a total for each order and sort with the largest order value at the top.

SELECT CompanyName

FROM Customers


SELECT CompanyName

FROM Suppliers

Return all the company names of all customers and suppliers.

SELECT CategoryName, ProductName

FROM Categories, Products

Match every category with every product using a Cartesian join and output their names (not what you normally want!)

616 rows (8 categories x 77 products).

SELECT CategoryName, ProductName

FROM Categories c, Products p

WHERE c.CategoryId = p.CategoryId

Match each product with its category using a WHERE clause for the CategoryId column in each table, and output the category name and product name.

77 rows.

SELECT CategoryName, ProductName

FROM Categories c

INNER JOIN Products p

ON c.CategoryId = p.CategoryId

Match each product with its category using an INNER JOIN...ON clause for the CategoryId column in each table, and output the category name and product name.

77 rows.

You can read the full documentation for SELECT at the following link:

Use your favorite database querying tool, like Visual Studio Server Explorer or Visual Studio Code’s mssql extension, to connect to your Northwind database and try out some of the queries above, as shown in Figure 2.10 and Figure 2.11:

Figure 2.10: Executing T-SQL queries using Visual Studio’s Server Explorer

Figure 2.11: Executing T-SQL queries using Visual Studio Code’s mssql extension

DML for adding, updating, and deleting data

DML statements for adding, updating, and deleting data include:



INSERT Employees(FirstName, LastName)

VALUES('Mark', 'Price')

Add a new row into the Employees table. The EmployeeId primary key value is automatically assigned. Use @@IDENTITY to get this value.

UPDATE Employees

SET Country = 'UK'

WHERE FirstName = 'Mark'

AND LastName = 'Price'

Update my employee row to set my Country to UK.

DELETE Employees

WHERE FirstName = 'Mark'

AND LastName = 'Price'

Delete my employee row.

DELETE Employees

Delete all rows in the Employees table.


Delete all rows in the Employees table more efficiently because it does not log the individual row deletions.

The above examples use the Employees table in the Northwind database. That table has referential integrity constraints that mean that, for example, deleting all rows in the table cannot happen, because every employee has related data in other tables like Orders.

Data Definition Language (DDL)

DDL statements change the structure of the database, including creating new objects like tables, functions, and stored procedures. The following table shows some examples of DDL statements to give you an idea, but the examples are simple and cannot be executed within the Northwind database.



CREATE TABLE dbo.Shippers (


CompanyName NVARCHAR(40)


Create a table to store shippers.


ADD Country NVARCHAR(40)

Add a column to a table.


ON Shippers(Country)

Add a non-clustered index for a column in a table.


ON Employees(LastName, FirstName DESC)


Change an aggregate index with multiple columns and control the sort order.

DROP TABLE Employees

Delete the Employees table.


Delete the Employees table if it already exists.

IF OBJECT_ID(N'Employees', N'U')


Check if a table exists. The N prefix before a text literal means Unicode. 'U' means a user table as opposed to a system table.

You have been reading a chapter from
Apps and Services with .NET 7
Published in: Nov 2022 Publisher: Packt ISBN-13: 9781801813433
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