Time for action – registering for push notifications with Urban Airship
This example will show how to register for push notifications using Urban Airship. You can sign up for a free account with basic features at https://go.urbanairship.com/accounts/register/.
Create a basic (free) Urban Airship account if you have not already done so. Log in to your account. From the menu click on SELECT AN APPLICATION, then on CREATE AN APP.
You should register two apps, one containing your production keys and one development. That way you can keep your production and development keys separate.
Why two apps?
Apple will only send development push notifications to apps that are signed with the development provisioning profile. This ensures that your development messages cannot be sent to production devices.
You will need to export the push notification key that you imported into keychain in the earlier example. Right-click on the key in keychain and select the export option. Save the file for later use...