25.7 Flow Helper
The ConstraintLayout Flow helper allows groups of views to be displayed in a flowing grid style layout. As with the Group helper, Flow contains references to the views it is responsible for positioning and provides a variety of configuration options including vertical and horizontal orientations, wrapping behavior (including the maximum number of widgets before wrapping), spacing and alignment properties. Chain behavior may also be applied to a Flow layout including spread, spread inside and packed options.
Figure 25-16 represents the layout of five uniformly sized buttons positioned using a Flow helper instance in horizontal mode with no wrap settings:
Figure 25-16
Figure 25-17 shows the same buttons in a horizontal flow configuration with wrapping set to occur after every third widget:
Figure 25-17
Figure 25-18, on the other hand, shows the buttons with wrapping set to chain mode using spread inside (the effects of which are only visible on...