The game
The game we will build is based on the game play of some of the brutally hard platform games of the '80s, such as Bounty Bob Strikes Back and Impossible Mission. These games featured difficult jumps and required insanely precise timing at the same time as giving the player an unforgiving number of lives/chances. This style of game works well for us because we can actually build a multilevel playable game in just four chapters.
The design of the classes will make it really easy for you to add your own extra features, and game objects or make it slightly less challenging to play should you want to.
The backstory
Our hero Bob, having just returned from a secret mission to destroy an evil scientist at the center of the Earth, finds he is deep underground. Worse, it seems that although he has defeated the evil scientist, it was not in time to save the planet from the powerful guards and deadly flying robot drones that he unleashed.
Bob must make his way from the deep underground fiery...