On the 5th of October, the Amazon team announced the general availability of ‘The AWS Service Operator’. This is an open source project in an alpha state which allows users to manage their AWS resources directly from Kubernetes using the standard Kubernetes CLI, kubectl.
Kubernetes is built on top of a 'controller pattern'. This allows applications and tools to listen to a central state manager (etcd), and take action when something happens. The controller pattern allows users to create decoupled experiences without having to worry about how other components are integrated. An operator is a purpose-built application that manages a specific type of component using this same pattern. You can check the entire list of operators at Awesome Operators.
Generally, users that need to integrate Amazon DynamoDB with an application running in Kubernetes or deploy an S3 Bucket for their application to use, would need to use tools such as AWS CloudFormation or Hashicorp Terraform. They then have to create a way to deploy those resources. This requires the user to behave as an operator to manage and maintain the entire service lifecycle.
Users can now skip all of the above steps and deploy Kubernetes’ built-in control loop. This stores a desired state within the API server for both the Kubernetes components and the AWS services needed. The AWS Service Operator models the AWS Services as Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) in Kubernetes and applies those definitions to a user’s cluster. A developer can model their entire application architecture from the container to ingress to AWS services, backing it from a single YAML manifest. This will reduce the time it takes to create new applications, and assist in keeping applications in the desired state.
The AWS Service Operator exposes a way to manage DynamoDB Tables, S3 Buckets, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) Repositories, SNS Topics, SQS Queues, and SNS Subscriptions, with many more integrations coming soon.
Looks like users are pretty excited about this update!
Source: Hacker News
You can learn more about this announcement on the AWS Service Operator project on GitHub. Head over to the official blog to explore how to use AWS Service Operator to create a DynamoDB table and deploy an application that uses the table after it has been created.
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