(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
In this recipe, we'll be building a Tudor-style house. We'll be employing some manual building methods, and we'll also introduce some WorldEdit CUI commands and VoxelSniper actions into our workflow.
Once you have installed the recommended mods, you will need to have Equip an Arrow tools equipped on your action bar. This is used by VoxelSniper to perform its functions. You will also need to equip a Wooden Axe as this item becomes the WorldEdit tool and will be used for making selections. Don't try and use them to break blocks especially if you have made a selection that you don't want to lose. Not only will they not break the block, they will also wreck your selection or worse.
Let's get started with building our Tudor-style house by performing the following steps:
Find a nice area or clear one with roughly 40 x 40 squares of flat land.
Mark out a selection of 37 x 13 blocks by left-clicking with the Wooden Axe to set the first point and then right-clicking for the second point.
Hit your T key and type the //set 5:1 command. This will make all of the blocks in the selected area turn into Spruce Wood Planks. If you make a mistake, you can do //undo.
The //undo command does not alter the selection itself, only the changes made to blocks.
Now create a selection 20 x 13 that will complete the L shape of the mansion's bottom floor. Remember to left-click and right-click with the Wooden Axe tool.
Now type //set 5:1. In the corner that will be at the end of the outside wall of the longest wing, place a stack of three Spruce Wood blocks on top of each other. Right beside this, place two stacked Wool blocks and one Spruce Wood block on top of them, as shown in the inset of the following screenshot:
With the selection in place, we will now stack these six blocks horizontally along the 37 block wall.
The stack command works in the direction you face. So face directly down the length of the floor and type //stack 17.
If you make a mistake, do //undo.
Go to the opposite end of the wall you just made and place a stack of three Spruce Wood blocks in the missing spot at the end.
Then just like before, put two blocks of White Wool on the side of the corner Spruce Wood pole with one Spruce Wood block on top. Select these six blocks and facing along the short end wall, type //stack 5.
Go to the end of this wall and complete it with the three Spruce Logs and two blocks of Wool with one Spruce block on top where the next wall will go. Select these six blocks. Remember! Wooden Axe, left-click, right-click.
Facing down the inside wall, type //stack 11.
Place another three Spruce Wood blocks upright in the corner and two Wool blocks with one Spruce block on top for the adjacent inner wall.
Make a selection, face in the correct direction, and then type //stack 9.
Repeat this same process of placing the six blocks, selecting them, facing in correct direction for the next wall, and typing //stack 5.
Finally, type //stack 15 and your base should now be complete.
On the corner section, we're going to make some bay windows. So let's create the reinforcing structure for those:
Inset by two blocks from the corner place five of these reinforcement structures. They consist of one Spruce Wood upright and two upside down Nether Brick steps, each aligned to the Spruce Wood uprights behind them.
Now we'll place the wall sections of the bay windows. You should be able to create these by referring to the right-hand section of the following screenshot:
Now comes the use of VoxelSniper GUI. So let's add some windows using it. Hit your V key to bring up the VoxelSniper GUI. We're going to "snipe" some windows into place.
The first section, Place, in the top left-hand side represents the block you wish to place. For this we will select Glass.
The section directly below Place is the Replace panel. As the name suggests, this is the block you wish to replace. We wish to replace White Wool, so we'll select that. Scroll through and locate the Wool block. In the right-hand side, under the Ink panel scroll box, select the White Wool block. Make sure the No-Physics checkbox is not selected.
In the right-hand panel, we will select the tool we wish to use. If it's not already selected, click on the Sized tab and choose Snipe.
If you get lost, just follow the preceding screenshot.
Choose your Arrow tool and right-click on the White Wool blocks you wish to change to Glass. VoxelSniper works from a distance hence the "Sniper" part of the name, so be careful when experimenting with this tool.
If you make a mistake in VoxelSniper, use /u to undo. You can also do /u 5, or /u 7, or /u 22, and so on and so on if you wish to undo multiple actions.
The upcoming screenshots should illustrate the sort of pattern we will implement along each of the walls. The VoxelSniper GUI tool retains the last settings used so you can just fill in all the Glass sections of the wall with Wool initially, and then replace them using VoxelSniper once you are done. For now, just do it for the two longest outer walls.
The following screenshot shows the 37 and 33 block length walls:
On the short wing end wall, we'll fill the whole area with White Wool. So let's type //set 35.
On the short side, make a 21 x 4 selection like the one shown in the following screenshot (top-left section), and stand directly on the block as indicated by the player in the top-left section of the screenshot. Do //copy and then move to the pole on the opposite side.
Once you are on the corner column like in the bottom-left section of the preceding screenshot, do //paste.
To be sure that you are standing exactly on the right block, turn off flying (double-click Space bar), knock the block out below your feet, and make sure you fall down to the block below. Then jump up and replace the block.
Do the same for the other wing. Select the wall section with the windows, repeat the process like you did for the previous wall, and then fill in the end wall with Wool blocks for now.
Add a wooden floor that is level with the three Wool blocks below the Spruce Window frames. You can use the //set 5:1 command to fill in the large rectangular areas.