Category Posts Widget
By James Lao (
Why it's awesome: Target posts by category from your sidebar
Why it was picked: Easy to use, increased search engine optimization benefits

License: GNU General Public License
Manual Install URL: htt p://
Automatic Install search term: Category Posts
Geek level: Newbie
Configuration location: Appearance | Widgets
Used in: Widgets
Want to promote a specific set of posts? Category Posts Widget allows you to list out recent blog posts on your sidebar by category. To add the widget, visit Appearance | Widgets and drag the Category Posts Widget to your sidebar.

Depending on the theme you are using, you will need to try out the different configurations and see how they look overall. In many themes we tested, displaying the Post Excerpt, Post Date, and Number of Comments results varied on how well the end result looked. However, most themes should display things properly when you only display...