Bad Behavior
By Bad Behavior Crew (
Why it's awesome: Unique way of stopping spammers before they get to your website
Why it was picked: Easy to install with a high spam detection accuracy

Manual Install URL:
Automatic Install search term: Bad Behavior
Geek level: Newbie
Configuration location: Tools | Bad Behavior
Used in: Comments
Bad Behavior is a completely different way of keeping your blog spam-free. Unlike Akismet, Bad Behavior stops the spammer before they ever have a chance to submit a spam comment.
Bad Behavior does its magic by automatically blocking known spam bots from ever seeing your website by analyzing the delivery method that was used to hit your website. Once you have installed and activated the plugin, you're done and no additional configurations are needed.
While no spam silver bullet exists, using Bad Behavior in conjunction with Akismet will help ensure that your blog remains...