Admin Management Xtended
By Oliver Schlobe (
Why it's awesome: It makes managing pages and posts significantly faster and more efficient

Manual Install URL:
Automatic Install search term: Admin Management Xtended
Geek level: Webmaster
Configuration location: None
Used in: Administrator
Admin Management Xtended adds a handful of additional Content Management System-like features to your posts and pages management screen. These features allow you to quickly edit, delete, comment, rearrange, and show/hide content. All of these actions happen using AJAX, so you no longer will need to wait for the page to reload after making a modification to a post or a page.
Understanding the interface
Admin Management Xtended will add a few more icons to your posts and pages management screen. Here is a breakdown of each new icon and how it will affect your posts:

Title Pencil icon—quickly changes the title of a post...