Monitoring load balancing across NLB nodes
Once an NLB cluster is configured and running, one of the questions that is asked is why one host is working harder than another, or why one node has all the connections and the other has none. Normally, these questions are resolved by modifying the Affinity settings.
At its base, NLB balances traffic between different nodes in a cluster based on the total number of connections to each node. This information is then combined with the cluster's Affinity settings to group source hosts and networks onto the same node.
This recipe will cover the basic performance counters needed to identify if NLB is working and balancing load correctly.
Getting ready
In this recipe we will be working with the NLB configuration created in the prior recipe. In this case the cluster consists of only two nodes, but in production environments this can grow much larger.
How to do it...
Carry out the following steps to monitor load balancing across NLB nodes:
View the status of...