Focusing on constituents and mission
Many non-profits have processes and activities with certain types of constituents that are analogous to those in the marketing and sales areas of for-profit business. Two metaphors that are common in the for-profit arena have crossover value for non-profits. The first one is a sales funnel, with a larger number of unqualified prospects needing to enter at the top, in order to have a smaller number of sales fallout at the bottom. The second one is the notion of a ladder of engagement, with contacts being classified according to how many steps they have taken, such as revealing more information about themselves, or increasing involvement on the path toward becoming a client, donor, or volunteer.
In both these metaphors, the overarching goal is to increase commitment and involvement. You want the casual newsletter recipient to eventually become a donor, the first-time event attendee to eventually become a member. Pushing deeper, or rather climbing higher...