Again and again, we have touched on the theme of performance in VR. We talked about it first when we discussed VR sickness in Chapter 1, Introducing VR Technology in Unreal Engine 4. We touched on it again in Chapter 3, Exploring Riveting Gameplay in Virtual Reality, when we programmed the interaction systems that make our game work. So, why do we keep talking about it? Performance is central to enjoying a VR experience. Having high-end visuals helps our players become immersed in our digital environments, while keeping steady frame rates is the best way to maximize player comfort and reduce VR sickness. So, how do we balance both of these needs?
In this chapter, we are going to talk about performance regarding to 3D game art, lighting, and visual effects. In VR, managing your assets and detail level becomes a balancing act. How do we provide the visuals required...