Time for action – Setting the wave size
For this we'll need to modify our Spawner Activation action as well as our AwesomeGame. Let's get to it!
Let's start with the Kismet action. We'll need to add an
that the level designer can change to set the size of the wave, and then pass that on to the AwesomeGame. Open up AwesomeSeqAct_SpawnerActivation in ConTEXT.Let's add an editable
variable to the top of the class:var() int WaveSize;
Then give it a default property:
To give some added flexibility, let's hook it up to a variable link so we can set it that way as well if we wanted to. Add this line to the default properties:
VariableLinks(0)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Int',LinkDesc="Wave Size",PropertyName=WaveSize)
Note that this variable link is optional, we don't have to hook an Int Kismet variable to it, the action will still work fine with the editable property.
Now to pass this along to the game. Let's call a new function that we'll create in AwesomeGame. Change the Spawner...