Time for action – Captain obvious to the rescue!
Sometimes we'll get lucky and the compiler error message will trigger an Oh, durhey moment the second we see it.
Let's rewrite
function again:simulated function PostBeginPlay() { MyInt = class'UTGame'.default.CountDown }
Now let's try to compile.
[0003.91] Log: R:\UDK\UDK-AwesomeGame\Development\Src\BrokenGame\Classes\BrokenActor.uc(9) : Error, Missing ';' before '}'
Oh, duh, we forgot the semicolon at the end of the line.
simulated function PostBeginPlay() { MyInt = class'UTGame'.default.CountDown; }
Now it compiles!
What just happened?
Sometimes compiler errors are really self explanatory. Let's take a look at another one.